O caminho do amor (português)
Muitos livros foram publicados sobre o Caminho de Santiago. Dentre eles, este romance de Antonella Yllana se destaca por ser ele próprio um “caminho com coração”.
Sempre visceral e apaixonada pela vida, Antonella embarca em sua peregrinação em busca de si mesma, e também de um relacionamento mais profundo e duradouro com seu marido Florencio. Sua linguagem, a um tempo simples e sofisticada, afinada por extensa cultura e experiência cosmopolita, toca fundo a alma do leitor, levado pela autora a peregrinar com ela em busca do significado da existência.

The Path of Love (english edition)
After five months apart, Florencio and I reunited in Paris yesterday, on the bridge where we first met exactly seven years ago. To arrive at this exact moment we have crossed many oceans and braved many storms. It was a challenge for us both. And yet, this is just the beginning of a great, unfolding saga.
After a lot of time spent apart, it is always strange to reencounter the man you love. Our relationship has been like that from the start. We realized that we would have to be apart at some parts in our lives, in order to reach certain important goals, both for individual acquisition and mutual growth. We also recognized this as an invaluable exercise in detachment. Without being indifferent or irresponsible to each other, we have had to learn to love freely without the need to control. In those five months we hardly spoke to each other by phone. We decided to exchange emails, mostly love letters and poems. Unaware of everyday detail in our lives, what really counted was what we wanted, where we were headed as we follow our dreams. What really mattered was the degree of passion which we invest in everything, together or apart.
In the meantime, in our hearts there is the certainty of love that never ends. But love changes just as we change and develop, and this is an important truth to be aware of. So yesterday was only the beginning of our reunion. While our bodies eagerly searched for that renewal, any genuine profound reunion takes time and patience for an adequate reopening. However, sleeping in his arms in Paris was like sleeping at home. Being together is always a victory of sorts. Loved ones died, others suffered illnesses, travels occured, and turbulent emotions shook us. But in the midst of all this, we found the strength to create those avenues which led us to this dream. We know that we are in the right place at the right time, and that together, we will unite in our pilgrimage to Santiago.